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We require all guests, contractors and employees to complete screening prior to entering our facilities. Please complete this form for contact tracing and screening purposes.
Collection of Personal Information: Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is to be used for the purpose of administering health and safety precautions within municipal facilities. Any questions regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information on this form can be directed to the Town of St. Marys Clerk (
The symptoms listed here are the most commonly associated with COVID-19. Anyone who is sick or has any symptoms of illness, including those not listed below, should stay home and seek assessment from their health care provider if needed.
Are you currently experiencing two or more of these symptoms? Choose any/all that are new, worsening, and not related to other known causes or conditions you already have.
Please note:If any of the following apply to you, you do not need to self-isolate or get tested. However, it is recommend that you pay extra attention to your health and note if anything changes.
If you are currently experiencing any of the following issues, call 911 or go directly to your nearest emergency department: Severe difficulty breathing, severe chest pain, feeling confused or unsure of where you are, losing consciousness.
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